From left: Ørjan Leikvold, Jøran Jørgensen

Sustainable building and construction projects with PA Entreprenør

From left: Ørjan Leikvold, Jøran Jørgensen

This article was originally written in Norwegian, [read the original article here]

PA Entreprenør has over 30 years established itself as one of the leading players in the industry when it comes to sustainable development of building and construction projects. With a heart for Oslo and a focus on zero emissions, the company has built up a strong professional environment and unique expertise. We are impressed by their technological and innovative approach and took a trip to one of their projects in Bogstad in Oslo to learn more about their working methods and use of Ditio.

PA Entreprenør has achieved triple ISO certification in quality, environmental and occupational health management, which testifies to their strong commitment and focus on sustainable development. The project at Bogstad contributes to making PA Entreprenør a market leader in emission-free construction sites in Norway, with an all-electric equipment park and a zero-emission share of over 90%.

Improved air quality and working conditions with electric equipment in the tunnel

Electric machines
Electric machines

The project is to provide Voksenkollen and Holmenkollen with a two-way water supply. “By driving a 700-meter-long tunnel and drilling a 400-meter shaft, we are able to create a ring line from Bogstad up to Voksenkollen” says project manager Jøran Jørgensen before proudly explaining how they have modified the tunnel rig to become fully electric. “The tunnel rig is a common Atlas Copco E2, which normally has a diesel engine. We have removed it and installed a hydraulic motor that runs on electricity.” he continues. Jøran has extensive experience in traditional tunnel work and explains that the electric equipment helps to improve air quality and working conditions in the tunnel at Bogstad.

Every day, 350-400 tons of mass are transported from Bogstad.

Jøran Jørgensen

Tunnel work like on this project requires large amounts of mass transport, and it is precisely here Jøran really sees the value of Ditio. “The main gain with Ditio is that you get a very good follow-up among other things on the number of loads that go out of the tunnel, in addition to getting all data in real time” Jøran Jørgensen boasts. The mass transport in Ditio is extremely detailed. Each individual load is registered and the app allows the user to see where the mass is loaded, where it is going, who has loaded it and who receives it. “Every day, 350-400 tons are transported here from Bogstad. Therefore, it is crucial for us to have a system that works.”, says Jørgensen.

Ditio increases motivation for documentation

From left: Thor Petter Korsmo, Jøran Jørgensen.
From left: Thor Petter Korsmo, Jøran Jørgensen.

As a project manager, Jørgensen is also dependent on having full control over what happens on the various projects he is involved in. He is very pleased with how Ditio facilitates that employees can use pictures as a tool for documentation and reporting. “We notice that a lot more pictures are coming out than before, and that employees have greater motivation to document. It’s almost like a Facebook feed”, he says and tells that experiencing the “temperature” at the construction site provides great value for those sitting in the office.

We notice that a lot more pictures are coming out than before, and that employees have greater motivation to document.

Jøran Jørgensen

Further, Jøran highlights the functionality around work processes and work orders and believes it raises the quality of the QS work (quality assurance). “The way Ditio visualizes key data and information means that we get an incredibly detailed cost picture of the various operations” he says. Jøran concludes by praising the support from Ditio, while at the same time with a twinkle in his eye saying that any product can always be better. “They are very quick to implement all the minor adjustments that need to be made for the product to continually evolve”, he concludes.

Watch the interview with Jøran Jørgensen here (in Norwegian) here

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