Ditio Should Become the Industry Standard

This article was originally written in Norwegian, read the original article here

The technological leap forward in the construction industry. We are improving environmental reporting and mass handling for companies like Risa, contributing to achieving sustainability goals, and promoting work processes. Read more about our commitment to delivering ‘Real Goods’.

Risa is one of the country’s largest private construction contractors, consisting of about 500 employees. One of them is Lars Rune Nygård. For five years, he has been the leader of development and production technology and has a total of 20 years of experience from the IT industry, where he has worked to recommend the right systems for optimizing work processes.

A forward-leaning company in a backward-leaning industry

Lars Rune describes the construction industry as backward-leaning when it comes to technology and innovation. He points out that this does not mean the job is not done correctly, but that it has been stuck in traditional work processes for too long and that this prevents full utilization of technology. The construction industry will face increasingly strict requirements to report on environment and sustainability goals. “Although the industry has a long way to go, Ditio represents a huge step in the right direction,” says Lars Rune, who has worked with Ditio for almost four years. “I hope they become the industry standard,” he comments.

Risa focuses on six of the UN’s sustainability goals. With great help from Ditio, they have acquired the right competence and are investing in technology that can bring them closer to the sustainability goals. Nygård highlights the functions on reporting and mass handling as particularly useful on the journey towards a greener construction industry. When transporting environmentally hazardous masses, it is extra important to register where it is picked up and where it is delivered. “The aim is to drive optimally and Ditio keeps track of how you drive and what you drive. Handling these masses is therefore important and the mass handling function is spot on in this context.”, Lars Rune explains. “It is completely unique to get everything in the same program. When we have to document the contaminated masses, we have the opportunity to use images and comments, which are automatically positioned.”, says Lars Rune.

”Although the industry has a long way to go, Ditio represents a huge step in the right direction”

  • Lars Rune Nygård

For Risa, the functionality around mass transport is worth the price of Ditio alone. Risa takes many pictures which Ditio links to position, time, work process, and makes it easier to report immediately, both for drivers and people on the site. Ditio makes life easy for truck drivers, who drive on several projects at the same time, by capturing trips and mass quantity. “This was much more difficult and less accurate without Ditio. In addition, this contributes to our focus on sustainability. We get an overview of Co2 emissions per ton we move, in addition to registering the type of mass being moved”, says Lars Rune.

“Real Goods”

Whether you are in a conversation with Lars Rune or if you visit Risa’s website, you quickly become familiar with “Real Goods”. It is a typical term from Jæren that is about identity and integrity and is used frequently by the employees in Risa. Everything Risa does must be done properly, and at the end of the project, everyone involved should be proud of the work. It must be “Real Goods”. With today’s focus on sustainability, Real Goods are more important than ever. “In Jæren, we are proud of exactly this. We can’t be best at everything, but deliver real goods on what we do.”, says a proud Lars Rune.

Read about “Real Goods” here.

”The main arguments for choosing Ditio are that they really know the construction industry. Ditio is smart and understands the industry. Ditio is committed to the industry and specializes in it.”, Lars Rune says, arguing that this is the way to loyal customers.

”We want to be the best at hourly work, mass relocation, pictures and documentation, and deliver real goods.”

  • Lars Rune Nygård

Ditio develops for and with the customers

Ditio is a system that works in several links. “You have to have a system that works across machines and equipment, and that is independent of the brand, but supports the industry.”, Lars Rune explains. He hopes more construction companies understand how good it is for the industry that a system like Ditio is on the market.

It’s not just Ditio’s functionality that makes Lars Rune satisfied. He is full of praise for the employees, especially Thor Petter Korsmo and Jacob Christian Døskeland. The latter is described as “a unique individual without comparison, with a knowledge that is a joy to listen to”. He doesn’t hide the fact that he likes how Ditio thinks, and is grateful how he is treated as a customer. “I feel that I am heard, and I am humble that I can be involved in influencing”, he tells. He also wants to highlight the customer service system: “They work quickly and help to strengthen the relationship between the two companies.

Get going with Ditio in a matter of minutes

Compatible with iOS and Android devices, both Ditio applications can be set up in just 20 minutes, helping you save time, reduce costs, and minimise environmental impact.

Ditio AS

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